With a new baseball season beginning, one of America’s favorite sports is on a lot of people’s minds. But instead of having people’s eyes glued to televisions, the ladies of Alpha Phi sorority at Elmhurst College cleverly harnessed this national mindset and directed to something more meaningful: charitable awareness. The ladies of Alpha Phi will be hosting their annual Home Runs for Heart Health event. All proceeds will go to women’s cardiac care, the sorority’s chosen philanthropy.
Jennifer Walsh, a sophomore studying Speech Pathology at Elmhurst College, helped work with VarCity Apparel to help design shirts for their event. Walsh is one of the philanthropy chairs in Alpha Phi and is responsible for organizing and running events like Home Runs for Heart Health. “Last year was very successful, so we are hoping for an even better turn-out this year!” Walsh said, as Home Runs for Heart is in its second year.
With the aid of the Elmhurst College baseball and softball teams, each team will have about 10 players. Walsh explained that many organizations around Elmhurst College campus will be participating. All participants will receive free food for playing as well as the t-shirts designed by VarCity Apparel. Walsh cites the inspiration for the t-shirt design stemming from their philanthropy. The baseball player expertly ties the event with their philanthropy, as evidenced by the heartbeat feature. Walsh is confident the event will exceed expectations.
“Our goal for the event is to beat our profit of last year which was just under $1,000,” Walsh said, citing their advertising and marketing as a major confidence boost that the ladies will surpass their goal.
On Monday, April 18th, the ladies and the other teams will be hitting the field at Elmhurst College. Hopefully someone will hit a homer!